Being a Bulakenya-at-heart who’s been residing in this province for more than 3 years, I’m always curious about the talk of the town restaurants and cafes nearby– one of those is Pugpog Bikers Highland Cafe and Restaurant located at Norzagaray!

Biking, I would say, is one of the favorite past times of the people in my town–Pandi, Bulacan. Roads here are bumpy and have lots of up-and-downs that give extra challenging fun for all the Bikers. And that is one of the missions of Pugpog Bikers Highland Cafe and Restaurant, giving bikers a place to hang out after a long ride or a short chillout break on the way to their destinations. But what else can we see in this beautiful hidden food place? Join me on this trip and reveal the beauty of Pugpog Bikers Highland!

Review in a Nutshell

  • Food Quality 90% 90%
  • Service 90% 90%
  • Interior and Exterior Design 85% 85%
  • Ambiance 90% 90%
  • Cleanliness 90% 90%
  • Value for Money 85% 85%

On the way to Pugpog Bikers Highland

Because I lived in Pandi, which is the nearby town of Norzagaray where Pugpog Bikers Highland is located, I thought that this trip will be much easier and more accessible compared to my other Food Review Blogs. But after waiting for almost an hour, no jeepney heading to Angat has yet to arrive. I asked one of the mid-age women holding a basket of her paninda, who was also waiting for a jeepney if there were other options to bring us to our destination. She said that most of the jeepneys here are until Cacarong and Siling Matanda only. She suggested that we can rent a tricycle heading directly to Pugpog Bikers Highland so we don’t have to wait any longer. She also added that it will be expensive and cost triple of supposedly jeepney expenses. 

It’s already 10 AM at that time, I’m with my Mom and my Sister, the plan was to be there before lunchtime because we’re planning to go to Bustos Ecodam Park after, which is included in my Things To Do In Bulacan article. My Mom said that we can wait for another 15 minutes and see if Jeepney will arrive. We do so, but after waiting there are still no jeepneys heading to Angat. So with a heavy heart, I took the bait and rode a tricycle that cost 200 pesos from Pandi to Norzagaray.

The roads are bumpy and rocky; not well-cemented and maintained. To be honest, I almost got dizzy because of motion sickness after this drive. But the view was refreshing to the eye, with plants and trees all around. That alone entertains you while you are on a trip. While we were on the way, a bus terminal with an Angat-Monumento placard caught my eye. I didn’t know that there’s a Bus terminal from Monumento to Angat, which is great for those who’re traveling from Manila to Bulacan. The tricycle trip lasted for more than 40 minutes before we arrived at Pugpog Bikers Highland!

Summary of Transportation:

If you’re from Pandi, Bulacan,

            • Ride a Jeepney heading to Angat (Drop-off: Texas Fried Chicken stall)- 29 pesos
            • Ride a Tricycle from Angat to Pugpog Bikers Highland – The price will depend on the tricycle driver.
            • OPTIONAL: Ride a Tricycle from Pandi to Angat for 200 pesos (but still depends on the driver)

If you’re from Manila,

            • Ride a Bus at Monumento heading to Angat, Bulacan. – Estimated price not less than 100 pesos per passenger.
            • Ride a Tricycle from Angat to Pugpog Bikers Highland – The price will depend on the tricycle driver.

Pugpog Biker’s Highland Cafe and Restaurant

When we arrived, the first thing I noticed was the beautiful scenery in front. It reminds me of Tagaytay at some point because of the view of Sierra Madre Mountain and Angat River. Before you enter you need to write your contact details in their log book. It’s for safety purposes. Then they will ask you how many seats you will be taking and will guide you to your designated table. We chose a table near the view spot so that we can appreciate the scenery even more. 

The whole place is an open area, fresh air, and the cold breeze will accompany you throughout your stay. We came around 10 AM and it was drizzling outside, the reason why the sky was a bit foggy. Since it was too early to order lunch, we decided to order coffee and tea first. Pugpog Bikers Highland is known for being one of the best cafes in Norzagaray so trying their coffee is a must!

The Cafe

I ordered Caramel Macchiato (130 pesos) for myself, Oreo Matcha Cream Frappe (180 pesos) for my Sister, and Pure Chamomile Flower Tea (70 pesos) for my Mother. We also ordered a slice of Carrot Cake (180 pesos) as our late breakfast.

At first, I ordered White Chocolate Cream because I haven’t tried a White Chocolate Cream drink yet. I want to try something new in my Food Review blog if you have observed from my past food reviews. But sadly it was not available that time so I needed to change it and decided to have a Caramel Macchiato instead, which I usually ordered every time I visit a cafe. When it comes to taste, It’s just like a normal Caramel Macchiato that is sweet and milky. It is on a take-out cup, which I did not expect, I thought they would serve it in a Coffee mug since we are in a dine-in. But I do understand since many cafes do the same thing nowadays. It is served hot that’s perfect for cold weather. In short, I enjoyed it together with the Carrot Cake Slice!

I took a sip from my sister’s and mother’s drinks. Of course, I needed to try those drinks as well! And I’m telling you, I’m so in love with Oreo Matcha Cream Frappe! The combination of Oreo and Match is to die for. I tried this kind of flavor from other cafes, but I would say that this one is my favorite of all. You can taste the Matcha in every sip, which I love!

Next, I tried the Pure Chamomile Flower Tea which is said to be very healthy, as per my Mom. I take a sip, and it tastes bland, like any other Tea. I’m not really into Tea, to be honest, even Milk Teas, I’m not into it. But I appreciate the fact that it’s good for your health and gives lots of health benefits. So I just give it back to my Mom and let her enjoy her Tea time.

The Restaurant

It was exactly Noon when we decided to order our lunch. I’m scanning through their menu and finding interesting foods to try on when I saw Beef Estofado that has a star beside its name. Meaning it’s one of their specialties! Of course, I needed to try their best seller so I ordered Beef Estofado (Sharing – 450 pesos), together with Chicken Wings Teriyaki (250 pesos), and Plain Rice (25 pesos per serving) for our lunch. One of the staff took our orders and said that it will take 15 minutes to serve.

While waiting we took some photos from their photo op spots: a little wooden house with a couch inside and a Pugpog Bikers Highland logo, a Prayer Wall on which you can write your prayer on a piece of paper and locked it in a cute little bottle and a Sew-saw facing the beautiful view of Sierra Madre Mountain and Angat River. It’s good to have this kind of bond with your family once in a while. This is the first time that I bring them to this kind of place. In my first Food Review blog I’m with my friends, the second one I’m alone and in this third food review I’m with my Mom and my Sister. An experience that I gladly share with my loved ones.

After minutes of waiting, our food finally arrived. There is two staff serving our table, giving us plates, utensils, glasses of water with ice, and a box of tissue to use. I would say this is the best customer service that I encounter so far from doing Food Review every month since April. They are very polite and make sure that we get all the things that we needed. I also observed that they have a lot of staff available. There are 2 women at the entrance assigned for getting the details and table number, 3 staff roaming around and taking orders, 2 who are cleaning tables, and 1 security guard. Staff in the kitchen and preparing food are not included! By that, we could say that Pugpog Bikers Highland is a well-established cafe and restaurant that’s giving quality services to all its customers. I’m glad that discovered this wonderful place!

Beef Estofado (Sharing – 450 pesos)

This is my first time eating Beef Estofado so I don’t know what to expect. When they served it I thought it was like an Adobo but when I tasted it the sauce are a combination of spicy and sweet! Though there are no other ingredients in it. Only the beef, the sauce, and that shredded carrot and green pepper on top. The beef was cooked chewy, which I love. It’s the perfect pairing with a bowl of plain rice. Being one of the best sellers is reasonable I would say. It’s expensive for its price but It’s worth it after all.

Chicken Teriyaki (250 pesos)

Chicken Teriyaki is not new to me but this version is my favorite! I love the saltiness and sweetness of the flavor. The chickens are very tender as well. I eat it using my hands just to make sure that I tasted all the flavor and eat every bit of it. It’s a perfect pairing with plain rice but also perfect if you’ll eat it as it is. I would say that 6 pcs of Chicken Teriyaki for 250 pesos is very much worth it!

When it comes to ambiance, I really love the open space. The place is located on a higher ground so It’s not that hot even in the afternoon. The natural fresh wind and an electric fan are enough to make you feel refreshed and relaxed all throughout your stay. There are also lots of photo-op spots that you can enjoy. All are Instagram-worthy! The staffs are very polite and helpful. They are also very friendly, you can ask anything that you needed without feeling shy or awkward. When it comes to their food I love how they served it. Very simple and clean. The taste is good as well, I only ordered 2 dishes but I think there are lots of great foods that you can try on their menu. The coffee and the cafe menu are a bit expensive for me, but it’s worth it knowing that you’ll drink or eat it in front of beautiful scenery.

Overall I love this cafe-restaurant, I will give them 4 stars because I really had fun when I visit this place. I will not give them a perfect 5-star because I want them to be more accessible. I understand that their main targets are those who are traveling or bikers as such, but I hope that they also encourage those people who don’t have their own vehicles to visit their place.

Bustos Dam Eco Park – Canceled Agenda

After eating at Pugpog Bikers Highland, our next agenda was to visit Bustos Dam Eco Park to get some photos and videos. But unfortunately, those tricycle drivers that we asked were all rejecting our offer to bring us to our destination. Even in Ipo View Deck which is also located around Norzagaray. There was no other transportation available other than a tricycle so we don’t have any choice but to end our trip and went home earlier than we have planned. But nonetheless, this trip is one of the memorable for me. I really enjoy this trip and to be able to share this moment with my Mom and Sister makes it extra special.

Discovering a cafe and restaurant near your area is a must-try! Go and explore your town on your own. Find those hidden gems that might be your next favorite food spot!

About the Author



She loves traveling with her friends…and soon on her own. Coffee is her first love and dreams to taste every coffee in the world.

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